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  • C2A / 236A, Janakpuri, New Delhi - 110058
  • Mon to Sat 10am - 2pm & 5pm to 8pm
Body Procedures

Chin Implants

Chin enhancement surgery, also called genioplasty, improves contours of the chin, neck and jawline. Typically, surgery involves placement of an implant around a patient’s existing chin bone to augment the size and shape of the chin and achieve a more naturally attractive balance between facial features.

Procedure for Chin Implant

Chin implant surgery is usually an outpatient procedure, performed using general anaesthesia or local anaesthesia with sedation. A small incision is made either underneath the chin or inside the mouth. Through this incision, the cosmetic surgeon creates space for the chin implant and fits it around the chin bone.
Chin implant surgery alone typically takes less than 1 hour to perform; however, if you are having additional procedures, operating time will increase accordingly. Following surgery, the incision is closed with sutures and the chin may be bandaged.

Expectations after chin surgery

  • Immediately after surgery, the surgeon usually applies a dressing that will remain in place for two to three days. The person will experience some tenderness, and the surgeon will prescribe medications to help with post-operative discomfort.

  • Chewing will probably be limited immediately after chin surgery, and the person may need to follow a diet of liquids and soft foods for a few days after the procedure. Most patients feel a stretched, tight sensation after the surgery, but this usually subsides in a week.

  • After approximately six weeks, most swelling will be gone, and the person can start to see the results of the procedure. The surgeon may recommend avoiding rigorous activity for the first few weeks after surgery. Normal activity can be resumed after approximately 10 days.

Results after Chin Implant

Chin implants are very strong, durable medical devices and are intended to be permanent. While the aging process will affect your facial appearance in other ways, your enhanced chin contour will not change. There is a slight risk that trauma to the face could damage a chin implant and require another surgery to replace it.


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